Gift Card

Gift Card

from $25.00

Pearl Dot Studs

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Herkimer Diamond Bar Earrings

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Larimar Circle Earrings

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Gemstone Mix and Match Set

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Large Herkimer Hoops

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Freshwater Pearl Hoops


Disco Ball Earrings

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Arch Chain Studs

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Pearl Trio Earrings

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Golden Arch Studs

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Pearl Trio Hoops

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Topaz Fringe Earrings

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Herkimer Minimalist Hoops

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Tourmaline Ear Huggers

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Open Heart Earrings


Moonstone and Pearl Drops

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Opal Confetti Studs

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Larimar Arches

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Moonstone & Turquoise Chain Studs

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Chain Earrings


Dot Ear Huggers

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Turquoise Sunrise Studs


Earth and Sky Stud Set

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Herkimer Eclipse Studs

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Herkimer Drop Earrings

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Arch Studs

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Dotted Arch Studs

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Three Dot Studs


Green Tourmaline U Studs

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Opal & Herkimer Diamond Circle Studs

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Tourmaline & Herkimer Diamond Circle Studs

Rose Cut Herkimer Diamond Studs
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Rose Cut Herkimer Diamond Studs

Raw Pink Tourmaline Studs

Raw Pink Tourmaline Studs

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Gold U Earrings

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Herkimer Diamond Fringe Studs


Turquoise and Opal Stud Set

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Turquoise Hoops

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Herkimer Circle Studs


Half Moon Studs

Chrysoprase Slab Earrings
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Chrysoprase Slab Earrings


Opal Shooting Star Studs

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Pink Tourmaline Circle Studs

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Bar Studs

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Mother of Pearl Hand Earrings

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Peace Sign Studs

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Herkimer Diamond Studs

Raw Amazonite Studs

Raw Amazonite Studs


Minimalist Herkimer Diamond Earrings

Sunrise Stud Pack sunriseearrings.JPG

Sunrise Stud Pack


Raw Amethyst Studs


Aquamarine Circle Studs


Garnet Studs

Amethyst & Sapphire Studs
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Amethyst & Sapphire Studs

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Hammered Gold Hoops

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Brass Circle Earrings
